If it’s winter here, the global warming conference must be in the southern hemisphere. And yes, of course, it’s in Durban, whither thousands of global warmists are now flying, in order to confer at colossal expense and tell us to cut our carbon dioxide emissions, or else. Else what? Else, they’ll have another global warming conference even sooner than scheduled — maybe next summer, in Cannes, or Split, or San Francisco, or Sharm-El-Sheikh. Though maybe not there, because the Muslim […]
Climate change shrouded in a smog of ‘facts
Hubris at Montrose is simply staggering
Seldom has the professional liberal consensus been as exposed as it has in the past fortnight, with the bogus tweet during the presidential debate, the sorry affair in Naas, the libel-debacle in RTE and the squalid pickets outside the Israeli Film Festival in Dublin. There it was, in all its glory, the ruthlessness of doctrinaire media-liberalism; i.e. follow our rules, do as we do, or we will destroy you. It is a hypothetical question, of course; but do you actually […]
Welfare state mentality is a fallopian felony
If you want a sense of how utterly unrelated to reality our modern political class remains, it was in the recent declaration by the “Minister for Primary Care” (oh please) Roisin Shortall that the government would introduce “free” GP treatment for all by 2015 and universal health insurance in 2016. The following year, no doubt, the government will eliminate our dependency on oxygen, following the Equality Tribunal’s finding that it is discriminatory. The year after that, all children will be […]
Mobs and lies win when it comes to Israel
The Filmbase arts centre in Dublin is set today to be the scene of the latest in the latest of the irrational and phobic demonstrations against Israel, led by Raymond Deane, who rejoices in the most Orwellian of titles, “Cultural Boycott Officer” for the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Whatever you call this, it is freedom of neither speech nor of movement if anti-Israeli opinions are backed with coercion and pickets. But it is all like some grotesque screenplay that Monty […]
Anti-racist competition enters darker waters
BASIL D’Oliveira had a perfect sense of timing: as a batsman, his late cuts and his drives to cover were the sweetest essays in synchrony. His was a royally serene presence on the cricket pitch, almost like Henry V amongst his troops the night before Agincourt. That there could have ever been an international row about his “race” shows what dark and incomprehensible times we’ve left behind (notwithstanding matters in Naas, which I might come to later this week). And […]
Kevin Myers: A line has to be drawn in the history of Northern Ireland – there must be no more public inquiries
FIRST things first: 40 years ago, the Parachute Regiment had become state-authorised killers in Northern Ireland. According to David McKittrick’s indispensable volume ‘Lost Lives’, the Paras killed 39 people between 1971 and 1976. Only seven of these were paramilitaries: but one of those, Joe McCann, the Official IRA leader, was gunned down, unarmed, on a May Saturday afternoon. The death toll of 33 unarmed victims killed by the three battalions of the Parachute Regiment is more than that for hundreds […]
Athy in the Great War
This is the talk I gave to Athy about its role in the Great War Though Athy was a garrison town, most Athy soldiers did not enlist here but in Naas or Carlow. Of the 87 Athy men killed as plain soldiers just 13 enlisted locally. Basically three regiments recruited in the Athy area – The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, the Leinsters and the Irish guards. It was this last regiment with which the first Athy dead of the war […]
Kevin Myers: Well, that hurricane took us a little unawares, 400 dead and much of Connacht missing
RASPBERRIES are growing in my garden, rich as grapes in Bordeaux. The first game-bags of the shooting season probably contain as many humming birds as pheasant. This time last year, a new Ice Age had arrived. November 2011, and the swallows are assembling off the Wexford coast, wondering if they might be allowed back for the winter. Who would be a weather forecaster in Ireland? No one thanks you for getting it right – no one even remembers – but […]
Croke Park Deal
We heard a straightforward untruth yesterday with the declaration that numbers are falling in the public service. They are not. The falsehood is based on the numbers of full-time employees, down to around 300,000. But if you allow for job-sharing, in fact there are 404,200 employees in the public sector, an actual increase of 3,100 from a year ago. Moreover, average hourly pay in the public sector is €28.90. In the private sector it is €19.33. Has this government tried […]
Brilliance of American TV has shown up the wretchedness of our domestic products
All ideologies are wrong, including the one that says all ideologies are wrong. But generally speaking, the free market is the best way of getting the best out of society. Now that appears to be an insane declaration, at a time when the most visible markets in the world, the stock exchanges, are about as rational as a women’s gym changing-room containing a mouse with a camera. However, this is not a dogma, merely a rule of thumb. Other rules […]